Dr Simpson can help, because she’s been where you are.

Meet Dr Simpson

Dr. Simpson is an energetic woman with an easy-going manner, a good sense of humor, and a lot of patience. She hasn't always been this way. She knows what it's like to wake up every morning feeling anxious and depressed—she did it for years. She knows how to help change this kind of life.

Cathie earned her degree in clinical psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. She has been a practicing counselor in private practice for nearly 30 years. She has worked with Suicide Prevention, Alateen, Lutheran Community Services, and US military troops here and abroad.

Dr. Simpson looks at her email about once a day, maybe, so she doesn't recommend you use email to contact her. The best way to reach her is by phone: 607-273-3063. If you leave a message, she will always call you back.

Dr. Simpson needs a lot of time for herself. She takes off the first weeks of April and July, as well as the month of August, and some of the major holidays. She’s off during the week before Thanksgiving and two weeks at Christmas. She often returns to work after a holiday, on a Tuesday. 

Unfortunately, at the moment, Dr. Simpson's schedule is completely booked, and she is not taking new patients.

Get started with Cathie, today.