Pet Loss Therapy
Ever experienced a Pet Loss Group?
The Pet Loss Group is a self-help, professionally facilitated gathering. It provides understanding, support, and education about coping with the loss of a companion animal through the compassionate discussion of common feelings. It is free; there is no charge. It has been meeting for nearly 20 years in Ithaca.
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (2012), in 2011, 6 out of 10 pet owners in the US (63%) considered their pets to be family members. We know that, as pet owners, we intuitively understand that having a companion animal supports wellness for both us and them.
Recently, in a scientific study, it was shown they enhance at least eight areas of our lives:
they nurture us (and we, them) emotionally and physically,
they give us a sense of family,
they teach us to be responsible and what it means to have purpose,
they give us friendship and companionship,
they encourage social interaction and connection,
we derive a sense of personal values and spiritual meaning from interacting with them,
they make us have fun and play, and
they enhance our physical health (Chandler, Fernando, Minton, & Portrie-Bethke, 2015).
As you can see, you are not alone in your passion, or your grief. Our companion animals are truly important parts of our lives.
If you or someone you know has lost a pet due to death, disappearance, or other circumstances, join Dr. Simpson at the monthly pet-loss support meeting on Zoom. All humans are welcome!
Group Meeting Times
The group meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 7 to 8 pm.
The Pet Loss Group was created by Jane Baker Segelken, MA, MSW, in 2005. In the past, it met at Colonial Veterinary Clinic and the Cornell Vet College.
Since March 2020, the group has met online, facilitated by the Zoom platform. Beginning in September, 2024, the group will again be held in person, back in Dr. Simpson's office on the corner of E Court and Linn Streets in Ithaca. No more Zoom! When the time comes, please use the purple Linn Street door. It will have a big white sign on it that reads PET LOSS GROUP.
Feeling alone since losing your pet? Understand why that’s normal and how to deal with your feelings.
If you’re having feelings of remorse and guilt, we can help you work through those feelings.
Do you understand why your pet was so important to you? During the group sessions, you will get a better understanding of why our pets are important to us.
What we talk about
Let us help guide you through the process of saying goodbye to your pet.
Wondering how long is okay for you to grieve the loss of your pet? Discover what’s normal and when you need more help.
It’s okay to grieve the loss of your pet. But do you know when it is okay to move on?